• alternative protein sustainable agriculture news terviva logo brown background

    Food Navigator-USA

Decentralized production & enhanced biodiversity, bioavailability are key for a ‘perfect food system’


To create a “perfect food system” that can feed more people with fewer resources in the next 50 years, the food industry needs to turn 180-degrees away from long-considered “best practices,”...

Decentralized production & enhanced biodiversity, bioavailability are key for a ‘perfect food system’2020-09-22T22:45:48+00:00
  • terviva logo light green background

    Climate Tech VC

Climate Tech VC Spotlight: Naveen Sikka (Terviva)


Here at Climate Tech VC we’re big fans of natural solutions to climate change that, with a little scientific and business model ingenuity, come out far ahead of their non-natural competition. Terviva has done just that.

Climate Tech VC Spotlight: Naveen Sikka (Terviva)2022-01-05T08:56:08+00:00
  • terviva logo green background

    Food Navigator-Asia

Going carbon-negative: Terviva establishes world-first organic pongamia bean supply chain in India


Alternative protein firm Terviva is establishing the world’s first organic and Fair for Life pongamia bean supply chain in India as it strives to tap into consumer demands for plant-based and sustainable products.

Going carbon-negative: Terviva establishes world-first organic pongamia bean supply chain in India2022-01-05T08:56:24+00:00
  • alternative protein sustainable agriculture news terviva logo brown background

    AgTech NEXT

Resiliency of the Food Value Chain: A Role for New Crops


There have been considerable discussions across both traditional and social media about the need to build “greater resiliency” into global food systems, post COVID-19. One opportunity to achieve this is using innovation to develop and commercialize new crops...

Resiliency of the Food Value Chain: A Role for New Crops2020-06-23T15:38:15+00:00
  • terviva logo light green background

    Ag Funder

Here’s a list of the top 100 alternative protein disruptors in Asia


The Good Food Institute (GFI) Asia Pacific has released the 2020 Asia Alt 100 – its list of the 100 startups, corporates, and research organizations shaping the region’s growing industry around meat, dairy, and egg substitutes...

Here’s a list of the top 100 alternative protein disruptors in Asia2020-06-23T15:32:06+00:00