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    AgTech NEXT

Resiliency of the Food Value Chain: A Role for New Crops


There have been considerable discussions across both traditional and social media about the need to build “greater resiliency” into global food systems, post COVID-19. One opportunity to achieve this is using innovation to develop and commercialize new crops...

Resiliency of the Food Value Chain: A Role for New Crops2020-06-23T15:38:15+00:00
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    Ag Funder

Here’s a list of the top 100 alternative protein disruptors in Asia


The Good Food Institute (GFI) Asia Pacific has released the 2020 Asia Alt 100 – its list of the 100 startups, corporates, and research organizations shaping the region’s growing industry around meat, dairy, and egg substitutes...

Here’s a list of the top 100 alternative protein disruptors in Asia2020-06-23T15:32:06+00:00